Unique Activities

Unique Activities

Physical development activities.

Fine motor skills are those that involve a refined use of the small muscles which control the hand, fingers and thumb. We conduct various tyepsof fine motor skill activities on a regular basis like:

  • Hand eye coordination
  • Balancing acts
  • Tearing and pasting
  • Clay work
  • Spatial intelligence
  • Grain pasting
  • Thumb and finger painting
  • Stickers pasting etc.

Working on gross motor skills helps a child gain strength and confidence in his/her body. we conduct various gross motor skill activities like

  • jumping, running, hitting
  • throwing ball,
  • high jump, bunny jump, hopping etc
Storytelling and picture talk

We use various educational story books, models and puppet shows with help of which we encourage students to read stories loudly. It clears their pronunciation and also gives them fluency in reading

We encourage students to tell stories with help of pictures in front of teachers and other classmates. In This way they master english grammar and also gain lot of confidence by removing stage fear.

Creative activity

It includes painting, drawing, tissu art, cotton art, cooking without fire, pouring,craft, group play, matching activity, field visit, Tree plantation etc.

Extra curricular activities

We conduct lots of extracurricular activities like Dance, Sports, yoga and computer.

We teach the students various cultural dances, bollywood dance and hip hop. Dance helps children develop emotionally, socially and cognitively, and the dedication, discipline and focus children must learn and practice are important life skills that will transfer over to school, work and other aspects of their lives

We conduct various Indoor As well as outdoor games like kabaddi kho kho etc. We have various indoor games like carrom chesludo etc. Board games or any indoor games help us to practice essential cognitive skills and enhance the parts of the brain responsible for complex thought and memory formation. Creative indoor games help the brain retain and build cognitive associations well in old age.

Children are introduced to computers and by the end of the pre primary phase they are comfortable with using computers as a learning medium.

Online video call classes

Due to covid 19 pandamic, as per government rules physical school is not possible. So we are conducting online video classes for all the standards. We are conducting all different activities and festival celebration in fun and creative way.

General knowledge

The learning during the age of 6 – 12 plays an important role. The general knowledge that your child acquires during this stage will open different avenues for them. It will also help improve their social skills, emotional skills, reasoning skills and thinking skills to name a few. 

Computer knowledge

Knowledge about computers might become as important to elementary school children as reading and writing. ... As children play, they learn about themselves and their surrounding environment.